Custom mirrors in all sizes
Mirror in wooden frame shabby chic
Mirror in woden frame shabby chic, vintage, retro. Frames are hand paint, distressed and polished with wax.
Mirror in distressed frame gilded white gold 112AV
Custom mirror in frame gilded with white gold leaf.
Antico Silver – Vintage Mirror in a Hand-Gilded Antique Silver Frame
Malowana gessem rama lustra szeroka na 8 cm., złocona srebrem, przecierana rama w stylu vintage....
Nero Glam – Luxurious Mirror in a Gilded Glamour Frame Custom-Made
Bespoke mirror in black wooden frame gilded with genuine gold leaf in all sizes.
Nero Glam 23K – Luxury Glamour Mirror with a Partially Black-Painted and 23-Carat Gold Leaf Frame
Mirror in custom made frame
Mirror in wooden frame gilt with genuine gold leaf
Mirror in wooden frame, gesso gilt with white gold leaf