Buy quality white picture frames and white photo frames in any size you require
White picture frame with gilded lip
Picture frame
4" wide white picture frame with gilded lip.
DIstressed white picture frame
Custom picture frame, choose from colours options and all sizes.
Distressed picture frame
Deep custom picture frame, gold gilded and painted
Deep picture frame custom gilt and painted
White picture frame A290 high gloss
Picture frame A108 semi gloss
White picture frame A290 partially gilt
White picture frame gilded with yellow gold.
Large white frame 2" x 4"
White gesso picture frame
White box picture frame
White picture frame 2'' x 2''
White picture frame
Rama do obrazu
Biała rama do obrazu z zaokrąglonymi rogami
Rama do obrazu na blejtramie.
Custom closed corner picture frame
White picture frame with rounded corners
Karol Milewski
16-020 Czarna Białostocka
Ul. Leszczynowa 8
Tel:(+48) 533 275 000